Plenarno izlaganje izvanrednog profesora Drage Župarić-Iljića na temu “Debunking ‘Migration Crisis’: Is There a Potential for Change?”

Drugi dan skupa završen je plenarnim predavanjem izvanrednog profesora Drage Župarić-Iljića na temu “Debunking ‘Migration Crisis’: Is There a Potential for Change?”
Sažetak njegovog izlaganja možete pročitati u knjižici sažetaka koja se nalazi na sljedećem linku:

📸 Mario Schwierz

The second day of the conference ended with a plenary lecture by Associate Professor Drago Župarić-Iljić on the topic “Debunking ‘Migration Crisis’: Is There a Potential for Change?”
You can read the summary of his lecture in the book of abstracts available at the following link:

📸 Mario Schwierz

Der zweite Konferenztag endete mit einem Plenarvortrag des außerordentlichen Professoren Drago Župarić-Iljić zum Thema “Debunking ‘Migration Crisis’: Is There a Potential for Change?”
Die Zusammenfassung seines Vortrags können Sie im Abstractheft lesen, das unter folgendem Link verfügbar ist:

📸 Mario Schwierz