Od 1. do 7. rujna u Zagrebu je održan dvanaesti Festival svjetske književnosti na kojem su gostovali istaknuti autori iz Hrvatske i inozemstva poput Paola Giordana, Monike Helfer, Reinhard Kaiser-Mühleckera, Ivice Đikića, Marka Gregura, Ede Popovića, Ivane Šojat, Marine Vujčić i brojnih drugih. Igor Gajin i Marijana Mandić prisustvovali su autorskim čitanjima i razgovorima, koji su bili usredotočeni na relevantne društvene teme poput ratnih zločina, rodnih predrasuda, stereotipa, obiteljskog nasilja, netrpeljivosti prema drugima i drugačijima, krize kao posljedica migracija i raznih drugih kriza.
From September 1 to 7, the twelfth World Literature Festival was held in Zagreb with prominent authors from Croatia and abroad such as Paolo Giordano, Monika Helfer, Reinard Kaiser-Mühlecker, Ivica Đikić, Marko Gregur, Edo Popović, Ivana Šojat, Marina Vujčić and numerous others as guests. Igor Gajin and Marijana Mandić attended the author’s readings and conversations with the authors, which were focused on relevant social topics such as war crimes, gender prejudices, stereotypes, domestic violence, intolerance towards others, the crisis as a result of migration and various other issues.
Vom 1. bis 7. September fand in Zagreb das zwölfte Weltliteraturfestival statt, bei dem prominente Autoren aus Kroatien und dem Ausland zu Gast waren, darunter Paolo Giordano, Monika Helfer, Reinard Kaiser-Mühlecker, Ivica Đikić, Marko Gregur, Edo Popović, Ivana Šojat, Marina Vujčić und zahlreiche andere. Igor Gajin und Marijana Mandić besuchten die Autorenlesungen und Gespräche mit den Autoren, die sich mit relevanten gesellschaftlichen Themen wie Kriegsverbrechen, Geschlechtervorurteilen, Stereotypen, häuslicher Gewalt, Intoleranz gegenüber Fremden und Andersartigen, der Krise infolge der Migration und vielen anderen Themen befassten.